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Bump Physio & Pilates is now closed, and no longer seeing patients for physiotherapy or pilates classes.
We thank you for you support over the past 13 years, and wish you all the best for your pregnancy and postnatal journey. The Bump Physio Team xx
The Pelvic Floor during Pregnancy and Post-Natal Recovery
We’re sure you’ve heard of the term ‘Pelvic Floor’ now that you’re pregnant. Maybe your obstetrician or midwife has mentioned that you...
Rectus Diastasis... aka Abdominal Separation - What you need to know!
Whatever you want to call it, abdominal separation is common during pregnancy – in fact 100% of women who deliver at full term will have...
Returning to running after having a baby
One of the questions we get asked most often when patients come to see us for a postnatal check-up is “When can I return to running?”...
Keen for a VBAC? Here's some info to get you started!
So for one reason or another, your previous birth was a c-section delivery. C-sections are great! They are an amazing way to help get...
SRC Pregnancy and Recovery Shorts and Leggings
Did you know that Bump Physio stock a wide range of SRC products? Two of the most popular items we sell are the Pregnancy and Recovery...
C-Section Recovery Tips
For many women, the thought of having a caesarean section (more commonly known as a c-section) can be overwhelming and scary. Compared to...
The benefits of Postnatal Pilates
There’s no denying it, pregnancy takes a toll on your body! You’ve got a gorgeous new baby, but you might also be left with lower back...
The benefits of Pilates during pregnancy
Attending a regular pilates class during your pregnancy has many physical benefits for your body, including strengthening your core,...
What to pack in your hospital bag
So, it’s time to start packing your bag for hospital! It can be very overwhelming to know what to pack, so we’ve put together this handy...
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