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If you're looking for pilates classes after you've had your baby, you've come to the right place!

We currently offer 2 different types of 'postnatal' pilates:

* Mums and Bubs Pilates - daytime classes where you are more than welcome to bring along your little one

* Postnatal Pilates - evening classes that are child-free

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Why should I attend pilates classes after i've had my baby?

There’s no denying it, pregnancy takes a toll on your body! You’ve got gorgeous new baby, but you might also be left with some issues. Yep true… Issues such as lower back pain, decreased core strength, abdominal separation and possibly even some pelvic floor issues.

Pilates is a great way to get back into exercise, after you've had your baby. We know so many people are keen to get their ‘pre-baby body’ back asap, but it's extremely important to start off getting the foundations right first, to prevent any further injury now or even months or years down the track. Footy players don’t rush out back onto the field without appropriate rehab, so it's important we do the same, and take the time to heal our bodies and slowly build up to what we want to achieve physically. Here at Bump Physio, our Mums and Bubs and Postnatal Pilates classes are designed to do just that - ease you back into physical activity in a safe, supervised environment.


There are so many benefits to attending either Mums and Bubs or Postnatal classes, such as...

Improve core strength and help reduce abdominal separation 

Our classes will help you to build up that strength again, under the guidance of a qualified physiotherapist and pilates instructor. This means we can assess what exercises are suitable for you, and help to regain that strength at an appropriate pace. We will push you – but not beyond what you are capable of. For those with an abdominal separation, we will make sure all exercises are safe for you, so that you can continue to strengthen that core whilst closing that separation.


Improved Posture

Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, you spend a large amount

of time in those first few months in a hunched over position,

feeding your baby. Everyone starts off with great intentions of perfect

posture when feeding, but that can be hard to do at 3am in the

morning! Our classes include stretches and upper body exercises

designed to work those posture muscles and help prevent strain

through your neck and shoulders.


Improved overall strength and fitness

After you have your baby, and especially as they become toddlers, you need a new kind of fitness – being mum-fit! Being able to lift safely, squat safely and carry those 10 bags of groceries from the car will be your new normal. During our classes, you will strengthen those legs, glutes and muscles you never even knew you had!


Increase Pelvic Floor Strength

We incorporate pelvic floor exercises into each class. It is incredibly important to try and regain that pelvic floor strength and control that can sometimes be lost as a result of pregnancy. Remember its not just pushing out a baby that can affect our pelvic floor. The weight of the baby pushing down over the 9 months of pregnancy can really impact our pelvic floor, so its necessary to work those muscles and prevent issues later in life, even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms now.


A Safe Environment

This is possibly our best benefit – and the one spoken about the least because it actually has nothing to do with exercise! At Bump Physio, we treat our pilates studio as a safe space. All of our instructors are mums, we have all been through our share of difficulties – reflux babies, breastfeeding issues, postnatal depression, you name it. Motherhood is hard, and everyone faces struggles during their Motherhood journey. We are here to support you. In the hour you spend at a Mums and Bubs or Postnatal class, you can chat with other mothers going through the same struggles as you, vent your troubles away and possibly even support another mum struggling as well. We often neglect our emotional and mental health as mums, and we promise that getting out of the house and coming to class, even if it is a challenge that day, will make you feel better. You might laugh, you might cry, you might make friends for life in that room!

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