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We currently offer 3 different types of pilates classes at Bump Physio and Pilates:

* Pregnancy Pilates

* Mums and Bubs Pilates

* Postnatal Pilates

All classes are held in our purpose built pilates studio, and are run by our team of physiotherapists, who are all qualified pilates instructors (and mums too!)

The benefits of Pilates during Pregnancy

Attending a regular pilates class has many physical benefits, including strengthening your core, upper body, legs and glutes. These are all important muscle groups that are needed during pregnancy, childbirth and then for life as a mum.


Pilates also helps to improve your posture, co-ordination and balance. All of these are necessary as your pregnancy progresses and you start to find some of your daily tasks more challenging, such as getting up from a chair. Pilates can also help to reduce pain during your pregnancy. 



Research has also shown that regular pregnancy pilates during pregnancy can help with postnatal recovery, a fact supported by local obstetricians. Your pelvic floor muscles (which we know you’ve heard about now that you’re pregnant!) are strengthened through pilates exercises. During our pregnancy classes at Bump Physio, we dedicate an entire section of our class specifically to pelvic floor exercises. 

As our classes are pregnancy specific, all of our pilates exercises are safe during pregnancy. Our qualified pilates instructors can modify any exercise that causes you pain or discomfort. This means you will get the most out of each class! Because all our pilates instructors are Physiotherapists, you are eligible to claim your classes through your health fund if you have applicable cover. 





Pilates classes also have many other benefits, such as: 

  * Improving your mental health. Taking some time out for yourself

each week and attending a regular exercise class can help with

stress. We promise you’ll walk out of our classes more relaxed with

a smile on your face. 

  * Socialising. During our classes, you will get the chance to meet

new friends, and enjoy a friendly, fun and often informative chat.

You’ll learn more in our classes than you will from a textbook. 

Interested in learning more about our pregnancy pilates classes, or keen to give one a go? Just get in touch with us by phone, Facebook, our enquiry form – any way you like.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Bump Physio family. 

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