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Postnatal Physiotherapy

As both physiotherapists and mums, we know that unfortunately the aches and pains don't always stop after you have given birth. It is common for new mums to experience back pain, neck and shoulder pain and even hand / wrist pain in the postnatal period.

A session with one of our physios will provide you with hands-on treatment, as well as advice to help you manage the pain at home and strategies to hopefully help prevent its return.


Abdominal Separation and Returning to Exercise 

At Bump Physio and Pilates, our Physiotherapists can also help with more specific needs during the postnatal period. We can help with reducing abdominal separation, setting up a return to exercise plan and completing an assessment to ensure you can return to running safely as just a few examples. 

Pregnancy can have a significant impact on not only our strength, but also our balance, co-ordination and endurance. It is important to get checked by a qualified physiotherapist prior to jumping back into exercise (particularly if that exercise is high impact) to ensure your safe participation, advise of modifications that may be necessary and reduce your risk of injury.

For more information, or to book your initial physiotherapy consultation, please call us on 0431 221 381, send us an email at or fill out the Contact Us form on our website

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